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Does Amromed LLC falls under HIPAA rules? Under HIPAA privacy rules, “Amromed LLC” falls under the extension of Business Associate. A Business Associate (BA) is any person(s) or entity which performs a function or activity on behalf of a Covered Entity (CE) and involves the use or disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI). Amromed LLC considers the HIPAA regulations a call to revolutionize its overall processes and aggressively move towards a more secure deployment of electronically transmitted healthcare information. By adopting a best practice approach to privacy and security, we earn the confidence of our clients. Confidence equates to loyalty, and loyalty will help leverage our business to obtain untapped, parallel business. We at Amromed LLC have always been highly conscious of handling sensitive client and patient information with utmost confidentiality. HIPAA regulations are also of great concern to Amromed LLC and we take all patient information matters seriously.
The following is a list of the privacy, security and confidentiality measures that we take at Amromed LLC:
- Confidentiality Agreements:
- Firewalls & Antivirus Software:
- Password Protected Systems:
- Training on Security:
- Absence of External drives:
- Offices Guarded By Security Personnel:
- Detection of Security Breaches:
- Limited Access to Data:
- Encrypted Data:
- Electronic Devices are not allowed:
- Paper/Printed Documents are not allowed:
- Restricted Print Permissions:
- Strict Administrative Procedures:
- Security Measures to Prevent Vandalism:
- Random Checks:
- Smoke Alarms & Fire Extinguishers: